What We Do

Safe Mobility

With 1.3 million people killed and up to 50 million people injured every year in road accidents, road safety has to be a top priority for the global community. The establishment of adequate legal frameworks, the expansion of safe public transport systems, the transport of freight by modes that are less harmful to humans, and the creation of national road safety strategies and plans will be of critical importance in the coming decades.

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Research Areas

Driven by the megatrends of urbanization, digitization, globalization, and demographic change, the demand for mobility will continue to increase rapidly. At the same time,

Impact of Geometric Design on Safety

To improve highway design and to eliminate hazardous locations. The effects of design elements such as horizontal and vertical curves, lane width, shoulder width, superelevation, median width, curve radius, sight distance, 

Safety of Autonomous Vehicles

To improve highway design and to eliminate hazardous locations. The effects of design elements such as horizontal and vertical curves, lane width, shoulder width, superelevation, median width, curve radius, sight distance, 

Safety Performance Functions

To improve highway design and to eliminate hazardous locations. The effects of design elements such as horizontal and vertical curves, lane width, shoulder width, superelevation, median width, curve radius, sight distance, 

Vulnerable Road Users

To improve highway design and to eliminate hazardous locations. The effects of design elements such as horizontal and vertical curves, lane width, shoulder width, superelevation, median width, curve radius, sight distance, 

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The Future of Safe Mobility

Driven by the megatrends of urbanization, digitization, globalization, and demographic change, the demand for mobility will continue to increase rapidly. At the same time,

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Let's Connect

Driven by the megatrends of urbanization, digitization, globalization, and demographic change, the demand for mobility will continue to increase rapidly. At the same time, there is  as the depletion of natural resources, to shape a sustainable and livable future.